Prenups Are Not Just for Rich People
Real Simple had a recent article highlighting how Prenups are now popular with many, not just the wealthy. From the article - "No one...

Millennials Negotiate Their Divorce Agreement Before They Get Married
The Street had a good recent article focusing on Millennials and their approach to Prenuptial Agreements. From the article - "Prenuptials...

Here’s why Suze Orman says you should always get a prenup
CNBC has a recent clip from Suze Orman on the topic of Prenupial Agreements and their benefits. From the article - "In between sending...

Is a Prenuptial Agreement for You?
QNotes had a good recent article on the general topic of Prenups. From the article - "You and your partner are getting married. Do you...

Some of the Weirdest Prenup Demands Lawyers Have Ever Seen
Cosmopolitan Magazine had an interesting article recently on some of the more bizarre requests by clients to their Prenup lawyers. Here's...

A Prenup For The Rest Of Us: Rethinking The Premarital Agreement
Forbes had an excellent recent article on the subject of "prenup(s) for the rest of us." This article nails it. Prenups really are for...

Do you need a social media prenup?
AZFamily had an interesting recent article on the subject of "Social Media Prenups" - "Have you ever argued with your partner about...

Wedding Season is Also Prenup Season
The Los Angeles Business Journal had a very good recent article highlighting how important a Prenup can be when planning your wedding...

4 Ways To Negotiate Your Prenup And Start Marriage On The Right Foot
Huffington Post has a good recent article on the subject of various approaches to negotiating a modern Prenup. From the article -...

Your New Business Partner Is Your Partner's Ex-Spouse
DBR Business Review has a recent article on the subject of Prenups in the business setting. The long and short of it is that you may some...