Prenups Are Not Just for Rich People
Real Simple had a recent article highlighting how Prenups are now popular with many, not just the wealthy. From the article - "No one...

Divorce and the Engagement Ring
JDSupra had an interesting recent article on the subject of the engagement right and in particular, what happens to it if the marriage...

Coronavirus could lead to more prenups?
CORVID-19 has been a tough one on marriages. Charlotte Agenda had a recent article positing that CORVID-19 would also lead to more...

How to Protect Your Business in a Divorce
The Next Hint had a good recent article on the subject of protecting your business in the event of a divorce. A Prenuptial Agreement was...

Here’s why Suze Orman says you should always get a prenup
CNBC has a recent clip from Suze Orman on the topic of Prenupial Agreements and their benefits. From the article - "In between sending...

Gray divorce — people getting divorced later in life — is on the rise.
Business Insider had an interesting recent article on the subject of divorce among seniors, also know as "gray divorce," and the value of...

Are ‘pet-nups’ the prenup of the future?
WINK had a good article recently addressing a trend with many couples: Pet Prenups. What to do with Pets is showing up more and more...

What You Need To Know About Prenups
Forbes had a very good recent article about Prenups addressing important issues such as what to include and considerations if you have a...

Is a Prenuptial Agreement for You?
QNotes had a good recent article on the general topic of Prenups. From the article - "You and your partner are getting married. Do you...

Some of the Weirdest Prenup Demands Lawyers Have Ever Seen
Cosmopolitan Magazine had an interesting article recently on some of the more bizarre requests by clients to their Prenup lawyers. Here's...